You can save money on a range of appliances by connecting them to an economy tariff.

Appliances like pool pumps and hot water systems are ideal for economy tariffs – where the electricity is available during particular hours at a significant discount, as these types of appliances do not need to be turned on all day.

There are two economy Tariffs: Tariff 33 and Tariff 31.

Connect your pool to Tariff 33 and save!

Pool owners can reduce their pool running costs by having one of our licensed electricians connect their pool filter and pump to an economy tariff (like Tariff 33) rather than a continuous supply tariff (Tariff 11).

Energex estimates that connecting a pool filtration system to Tariff 33 ‘provides typical savings of approximately $200 a year’ depending on the pump size and filtration settings.

On Tariff 33 power is significantly cheaper than the general use tariff (Tariff 11), however supply is made available only for a minimum of 18 hours a day. The specific times of supply are at the distributors’ discretion however generally supply is restricted around residential network peak times; 6am-9am and 4pm-8pm. This leaves plenty of time to run your pool pump and hot water system outside of these hours.

It is also important to remember that the times of supply are at the network provider’s discretion. Which means that on some days electricity supply may not be turned off at all.

One of our licensed electricians can safely switch your pool system to Tariff 33, ensuring the socket outlet is installed in accordance with AS3000 (e.g., ensuring it is of the correct type, in the correct position, suitably protected and has the right marking/identification).

What about Tariff 31?

Tariff 31 only provides electricity supply for a minimum of eight hours a day, generally between 10pm and 7am. This may not be enough operating time to provide sufficient pool filtration. Additionally, the times when supply is available are unlikely to be convenient for pool maintenance to be carried out.

Tariff 31 is best suited to hot water systems.

Again it is important to remember that the times of supply are at the network provider’s discretion. Which means that on some days electricity supply may not be turned off at all.

For more information on saving money on your energy bill through economy Tariffs contact Levitt Electrical on 3399 4499 or complete our enquiry form.